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7.5.9 Deleting Keys

Function: gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_delete_ext (gpgme_ctx_t ctx, const gpgme_key_t key, unsigned int flags)

SINCE: 1.9.1

The function gpgme_op_delete_ext deletes the key key from the key ring of the crypto engine used by ctx.

flags can be set to the bit-wise OR of the following flags:


SINCE: 1.9.1

If not set, only public keys are deleted. If set, secret keys are deleted as well, if that is supported.


SINCE: 1.9.1

If set, the user is not asked to confirm the deletion.

The function returns the error code GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR if the key was deleted successfully, GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE if ctx or key is not a valid pointer, GPG_ERR_NO_PUBKEY if key could not be found in the keyring, GPG_ERR_AMBIGUOUS_NAME if the key was not specified unambiguously, and GPG_ERR_CONFLICT if the secret key for key is available, but allow_secret is zero.

Function: gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_delete_ext_start (gpgme_ctx_t ctx, const gpgme_key_t key, unsigned int flags)

SINCE: 1.9.1

The function gpgme_op_delete_ext_start initiates a gpgme_op_delete operation. It can be completed by calling gpgme_wait on the context. See Waiting For Completion.

The function returns the error code GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR if the operation was started successfully, and GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE if ctx or key is not a valid pointer.

The following functions allow only to use one particular flag. Their use is thus deprecated.

Function: gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_delete (gpgme_ctx_t ctx, const gpgme_key_t key, int allow_secret)

Similar to gpgme_op_delete_ext, but only the flag GPGME_DELETE_ALLOW_SECRET can be provided. Actually all true values are mapped to this flag.

Function: gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_delete_start (gpgme_ctx_t ctx, const gpgme_key_t key, int allow_secret)

Similar to gpgme_op_delete_ext_start, but only the flag GPGME_DELETE_ALLOW_SECRET can be provided. Actually all true values are mapped to this flag.

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